Monday, January 31, 2011

Chicken Attitude

These chickens have serious attitudes! 

Last week, their water froze.  Before you call PETA, it was only for a few hours and they were fine.  Totally fine.  But they have major attitudes now.  Who knew that little bird brains have the space to hold a grudge?  They have been so mad at me.  I have been bribing them with extra cracked corn, but they are still mad.  They strut around, crabby as can be.  Only Alex can cheer them up.  He is more generous with the cracked corn, so they are big fans.  And, let's be honest, he is adorable -- who can resist his charm??   When their water was frozen, I left him in the Chicken Aviary while I ran across the street to grab water (the water at Jose and Beth's is still off due to The Pipe Misfortune).  Not entirely comfortable leaving my three year old with only Angry Birds to watch him, I was trying to hurry.  I wore my snowy boots in the house and was rushing, and my slick boots and the polyurethane on the floors were a bad combination -- I flew up in the air and landed on my back.  I was glad Alex wasn't with me, since I came up with a creative and incredibly memorable string of curse words.  After the concussion wore off, I was able to stumble back to the chickens with fresh water.   There was a squirrel in the Aviary.  It had gotten in somehow, but it couldn't figure out how to get out of the netting.  The chickens were going crazy, Alex was laughing, and the squirrel was freaking out!  It finally found a gap in the netting and made it over the fence.

This is Alex offering them some coffee.  He thought they might be cold.  Just kidding.  It's cracked corn, what else?

Turns out that the water bowl came unplugged, which is why the water froze.  My brilliant husband, Chicken Nanny Apprentice 2, diagnosed and solved the problem for me.  Whew.  Just it time for the blizzard of the year.

Still getting one or two eggs every day.  I'll post some awesome egg recipes soon!

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