Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brrr, it's cold!

I have been in charge of the chickens for two weeks, and they are great.  Despite my worries about the cold, they seem to be dealing with it just fine -- much less whiny than I am.   In temps below zero, chickens can get frostbite on their feet, combs, and wattles.  If it gets any colder, I am going to try to put Vaseline on the susceptible parts.  That should make for good dinner conversation.  Other than the cold, so far, so good.  No raptor attacks, no crazy bird illnesses, no problems with poop.   I have more eggs than I know what to do with.  Actually, I made fantastic scrambled eggs with zucchini and bell peppers for dinner, and good ol' fake American cheese.  Yum.

The best part is having Alex help take care of them.  He absolutely loves them.  Every night, he goes over with me to sprinkle cracked corn.  For chickens, cracked corn is like crack.  They love it.  They go nuts when they see the cup of corn.  I let Alex carry it out, and he thinks they just really like him.  He tells them jokes (usually really, really bad ones that make absolutely no sense), and they cluck and carry on.  He thinks they are laughing at him, which makes me laugh, which further encourages the joke telling.  :)

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