Monday, January 17, 2011

Joke of the Day

Joke of the Day:
There are two friends, Alex and Esteban. Alex asks Esteban to to watch his house and cat while he is away on vacation.  Alex calls Esteban to check in on his house and the cat.
"Hey, how are things?  House is still standing?  How's my cat doing?"
Esteban sighs and says,  "Well yeah man, your house is still standing.  Sorry to tell you this but your cat died."
"What?" Alex says.  "You just can't tell someone that their cat is dead.  You have to break it down to them gently. The first time I call you should say that the cat is on the roof trying to catch a bird.  The second call you should say that the cat lost its footing trying to catch the bird as it flew away, it fell and now it's at the vet.  The third call you should be to tell me that the vet says that it's not looking good for the cat.  On the fourth call you let me know that my cat died peacefully in its sleep.
"So," Alex continues.  "How's my Grandma?"
"Well, Grandma's on the roof playing with a bird."

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