Friday, February 4, 2011

Blizzard 2011

On Wednesday I  had a lot of shoveling to do.  I decided to shovel the chicken coop roof so as not to have a roof collapse.  The snow was heavy, and I wasn't sure how much weight the coop roof could handle.  Here's a picture of the coop before I shoveled.  As you can see, we got a decent amount of snow.  The chickens didn't mind.  When I opened the coop door, they ran out and explored the Aviary.  It was cute to see them waddling through all that snow.

I also got my first frozen eggs this morning.  I am guessing that they were eggs from yesterday and they froze over night.  I am not sure how I missed them last night, but it seems unlikely that they froze this morning -- it isn't that cold!

 We had two snow days because of all of the snow.  We spent only a little time outside in the snow ("it's too cold, mom"), but we did build a snow fort and have a snowball fight.  Will got caught up on his grading, and I took three naps.  Gotta love snow days!  Alex drew this picture, so I thought I would share it.  I think you can tell it's a chicken laying an egg, but you decide.

1 comment:

  1. you take such good care of the girls! Shovel their roof, I can't believe you thought of that! So that is what the eggs look like frozen!
    We LOVE the picture that Alex drew! That is awesome! We miss you!
