These chickens are crazy. They are over the frozen water grudge. Now I am The One that feeds them.
They eat some sort of dry commercial feed. They have access to two full bowls and can eat as much as they want (but never seem very excited about it). I also give them some cracked corn when it's cold to give them something to do to warm themselves up. And they have a bowl of water (that is almost never frozen). They get excited about the cracked corn, but you should see them when you mix the commercial feed with plain water. It makes a paste that looks like cat food (uck), and the chickens go crazy over it. Tonight, one of them pecked my hand to get at it. Out of control chickens, here in Lansing. Since I started giving them the mush, I have become very popular. They practically attack me when they see me carrying the Styrofoam cup I use to mix it up. Here is a picture of them eating the mush; notice they eat it off of a plate. Nothing but the best for these girls.
Oh, we are going to be in trouble when we get back! They will have to move into the house and we will have to live in the coop!